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AI-HUB and Robotic Arms - Exploring Intelligent Robotics and Sensors with Arduino

This engaging textbook is offered free with the WLKATA AI-HUB AI Navigation Learning Suite and WLKATA AI-HUB AI Development Kit (redeem with the code inside your product). It immerses young students (12 to 18 years old) in the exciting world of robotics and sensor technology. Packed with captivating content and hands-on activities, it's designed to ignite creativity, strengthen problem-solving skills, and build a robust foundation for future tech innovation.
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  Instruction for the users:

This Textbook Comes Free with:
- WLKATA |AI-HUB| AI Navigation Learning Suite (SKU: WL-AC-AIDS-2560)
- WLKATA |AI-HUB| AI Development Kit (SKU: WL-AC-AD-2560).

To redeem your textbook for free, simply click the [Enroll] button, and enter the payment page, then fill in the Name and Contact form, and then enter the Redeem Code found inside your product to receive a 100% discount. Once redeemed, you will have free, lifetime access to the textbook (no Credit Card payment information required in this case).

Enjoy your journey into the exciting world of AI and robotics!

  • Level: K-7 to K-12
  • Suggested Duration :  32 weeks
  • Video Time:  4 hours
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|AI-HUB| AI Navigation Learning Suite

Course Content

AI-HUB and Robotic Arms
- Exploring Intelligent Robotics and Sensors with Arduino

Immerses in the Exciting Robotics and Sensor Technology

Complimentary Textbook for WLKATA AI-Hub Kit Users
Read, Watch And Learn !

Sample Chapters are Free for Everyone (Sign Up to read)

About WLKATA Academy

As a premier learning platform for our users, WLKATA Academy equips learners with advanced concepts, comprehensive textbooks, dynamic curriculums, and ample training resources. Catering to educators and students from middle schools, high schools, technical schools, to higher education institutions, we cover a wide level of learning.

Our integrated training platforms convert the complex study of robotics and AI such as algorithms and mechanisms into a hands-on, engaging, and interactive learning journey.